About this Forum

Welcome to the Antipolo Forum.

Often enough, anyone who has felt himself to be too small and insignificant to be heard by city hall and yet feels he has something important to say and has the birthright to be heard, the forum available to him is the local barbershop or the local watering hole. Here they vent out their frustrations, they air their grievances, they pose their questions.  Sometimes someone comes up with an analysis worthy of a political scientist. Often, amid all the contradictory opinions passionately held, save for a few rabble rousers here and there, what one sees are citizens who love their city, who have legitimate grievances to ventilate normal channels are unable to give a due hearing, questions to ask and yet are left unanswered by the very people voted into office who are supposed to answer them.

For all you small and insignificant citizens of this city, welcome to your virtual space barber shop less the barber/ watering hole less the liquor.  Come, vent your grievances, ask your questions, raise your issues and seek redress to grievances, give your answers, join the issues raised.  Who knows, city hall or somebody close enough to it might be listening.  Who knows somebody might give relief to your grievances, answer your questions and join issues with you in a worthwhile debate.  Who knows?  Otherwise, for all that its worth this will be a place where you can form an informed opinion until the day of reckoning when the fate of city hall itself and all those who sit in it will be decided on in an election, where all of us small and insignificant citizens by our ballots reign supreme.

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